Bermick® Screws

Bermick® Screws
Fully Warranted for use in Very Severe Marine and Industrial Environments, including ISO 9223 Corrosion Categories 3, 4, and 5. Revolution B8 gives certified corrosion durability of more than Twice that of Class 4 fasteners specified in AS 3566. It has been independently tested in very severe marine environments at Bremick “Outdoor Exposure Test” sites (AS 3566.2) and by accelerated laboratory testing (AS 2331).A highly durable coating, with unrivalled corrosion resistance and outstanding mechanical durability, the Bremick Revolution B8 protection system is particularly suited to self-drilling fasteners because it evenly coats their complex geometry providing uniform coating distribution that is free from head and thread fill. The result gives precise compatibility with cladding materials and an aesthetically pleasing finish. Revolution B8 is now available in a range of roofing and cladding screws.
Please refer Bremick catalogues for more understanding.